Dermaplaning Dark Spots| How Dermaplaning Helps

How Does Dermaplaning Help with Dark Spots?

Age spots (dark spots) commonly appear after sun exposure.

Image credit: DermNet, New Zealand

What Dermaplaning Treatments do to dark spots is essentially exfoliate the surface of the skin with a sterile blade by removing the outermost layer of dead skin cells and peach fuzz (fine facial hair) to reveal your brighter newer skin cells. The new YOU!

Removing the dead skin cells helps to reduce the appearance of dark spots (that we get from over sun exposure),while also reducing acne scarring, fine lines and dull skin. you will look and feel better. Confident!

The Dermaplaning procedure also helps to increase cell turnover which reduces the appearance of dark spots over time as well.

The best thing about a Dermaplaning Treatment is that it can be done safely and effectively without the use of a chemical peel or lasers. Feel and see the difference……

Are There Any Side Effects of Dermaplaning dark spots (age spots)?

From my experience no, Dermaplaning doesn’t have any side effects and can be done on any skin type including those who have dry skin and or sensitive skin but it’s important to remember that everyone is different so contact your esthetician if you have any concerns.

Dermaplaning is not recommended if you have an acne breakouts or inflammatory skin conditions as this can make the condition worse. You should consider to treat problematic skin with an Acne Facial(which is great for acne and oily skin), LED treatment or specialty services before Dermaplaning.

Overall, Dermaplaning is a safe and effective way to reduce the appearance of sun spots (from direct sun exposure), and remove the topical layer of dead cells to reveal a brighter complexion on the skin’s surface.

Dermaplaning vs Other Treatments for Dark Spots

Dermaplaning is a great option for dark pigmented cells (uneven skin tone) because it can be done quickly, safely and without any side effects.

Chemical Peels and lasers can also be used to reduce the appearance of age spots but a Dermaplaning treatment does have some advantages.

Dermaplaning is non-invasive and this makes it a much more comfortable option for most people. Dermaplaning also requires no downtime.

For example, after Dermaplaning you can go back to your normal activities right away while a chemical peel or laser treatments require some time to heal.

Dermaplaning is a great value that delivers impressive results.


Dermaplaning is a great option for reducing the appearance of dark spots (sun damage) on all skin types, It can be done safely and effectively without side effects.

Dermaplaning also has some major advantages compared to chemical peels and laser treatments such as being non-invasive and not requiring downtime so you are able to get back to your busy life with beautiful looking skin!

Dermaplaning is an affordable and effective exfoliating treatment that delivers impressive results.

If you are like most people who are looking for a safe and effective way to reduce the appearance of dark spots, reduce acne scars, remove peach fuzz and remove dead skin cells….. Dermaplaning is right for you!

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