Is chemical peel good for hyperpigmentation|4 peels revealed

Is chemical peel good for hyperpigmentation

Is chemical peel good for hyperpigmentation?

We should get this right out the way upfront……chemical peels are not to be played around with especially if you don’t know what you are doing.

You can do some serious damage to your face or whatever area you are working on and then you are going to have more problems on your hands besides what you are trying to fix.

I’m just like you and realize that I usually jump into things with major excitement but please go to a professional to get your chemical peel (do tons of research and choose someone who you feel comfortable with).

You will be glad you did. I promise (pinky swear)!

Well now that’s out of the way…..let’s get to what we are here for.

Is chemical peel good for hyperpigmentation?

The Short answer is YES!

Hyperpigmentation chemical peels are good but like most things in life it’s not that simple.

Lets Peel some layers off this question and go a little deeper (see what I did there? hahaha). Let’s go!

We’ve all seen those videos or pictures of people with perfect skin (of course we all know that app filters can make people look flawless) but some people do have amazing skin.

But also you know most people don’t.

You are not alone!

I know how you feel when looking at a video or picture…’my skin doesn’t look like that’…….flawless!

It’s easy to feel we don’t measure up.

Yes, of course we would love flawless skin….. but let’s just start with even skin-tone.

Hello chemical peels!!

Has this thought ever entered your mind ‘are certain chemical peels better for hyperpigmentation ?’

Well there are many types of chemical peels but is one better than others for hyperpigmentation.

I’m gonna peel back some layers (I had to do it again. couldn’t resist) on different types of chemical peels and see what peel may be best for your situation.

Let’s get started!

Glycolic Acid Peels

The main ingredient in this peel is…… guessed it, Glycolic acid.

Glycolic acid is a type of alpha hydroxy acid (AHA).

It goes into the category of superficial chemical peels (It can be a medium peel depending on how many layers are put on).

This peel is effective at treating hyperpigmentation.

Your skin is gently exfoliated and the upper layer of skin is removed. Those dark spots, excess melanin…. well it’s on its way to being in your history but not your future.

They will be reduced and reveal a more even complexion.


Let’s party with joy!

Oh, like most chemical peels this peel is also good for oily skin, clogged pores, acne scars and more but that’s for another article.

Next up salicylic acid

salicylic acid chemical peel

Salicylic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) which is a naturally occurring chemical compound ( Probably too much information but I did metion I would peel back the layers so…).

This chemical peel absolutely works on hyperpigmentation (skin discoloration).

It’s a light chemical peel also but can be a medium depth chemical peel (depending on how many layers applied).

It’s an exfoliant as well (like all peels).

I’ve mentioned exfoliant a couple times so far….

I’m sure you know what it means but …exfoliant is breaking down the bond between dead skin cells.

Giving those suckers a little encouragement to shed our skins surface.

Not to dive too deep but exfoliating helps unclog pores, reduce inflammation and redness and improve complexion (sounds like exfoliating has a lot of benefits....let’s exfoliate more, just not too much or you will irritate your skin. not good!)

Getting back on track with salicylic acid real quick before we move on to the next acid.

It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties (all chemical peels do).


Not too shabby if you ask me.

So salicylic acid peels is a definite yes for hyperpigmentation as well.

Next up Lactic Acid

Lactic Acid Peels

This peel is a Alpha hydroxy acid peel (AHA) as well but it’s unlike other AHA’s as it’s derived from milk and not fruit or sugar cane.

Did you know that?

The name kinda gives it away but how amazing is this world.

It’s made from sour milk!


It’s a really mild and gently chemical peel (it would go in the category of superficial peels for sure).

When applied the particles penetrate the skin and kill germs and bacteria.

But what we want to know is does it work for hyperpigmentation?

Yes it does!

Being that this acid is very mild (it’s good for all skin types including sensitive skin because it’s so mild) you don’t need to go to a professional but it will hurt you if over used.

A few times a week will help but you may need something stronger if that pesky hyperpigmentation doesn’t go away.

We have another yes.

Next up Trichloroacetic acid peel

Trichloroacetic acid peel

Now this peel is powerful!!

It’s considered a medium to deep chemical peel (depending on layers applied). Now this peel is nothing to play around with.

Have a professional apply this peel!

I know I know I know, you can do it yourself and save a few dollars.

That’s true, you can also really hurt yourself and if that does happen I promise you will be thinking ‘why did I do this?’

Be smart and invest in your skin.

Your face will thank you!

So, does TCA work on hyperpigmentation?

I have a feeling you know the answer but…….drum roll please…..Yes Yes Yes!!!

TCA peels can produce dramatic improvements leading to a more even-looking complexion.

The depth of the peel will be determined by your esthetician depending on your skin type and severity of your pigmentation.

It may take a few sessions to get the desired result but you will see a difference…...for sure!

it’s important to follow the aftercare instructions given by your esthetician to ensure safe healing and optimal results.

Deep chemical peels are not always the answer.

If you can get the results you want with a milder acid peel please do it but TCA is a great way to go when you want deep peels fast!

Before we conclude I will cover skin- tones.

Skin Tones

Question for ya?

How many different skin tones are there?

Quick….what’s your answer? 10,20,30……how about 110!


Understandable but it’s true!

The Pantone company, a leading authority on standardized color reproduction, has identified 110 different skin tones.

Extremely pale skin tone and many many varying degrees of darker skin tones.

Now that we know so many skin tones exist…..

is chemical peels safe for all skin types?

Yes…..but let me explain.

The peel has to be performed just right for darker skin types (Fitzpatrick IV-VI) or an unwanted discoloring will happen and that’s not what we want.

Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation is possible as well due to greater production of melanin.

Reducing sun exposure will help and wear sunscreen.

We should be wearing sunscreen everyday (yes, in winter as well) because of the UV light from the sun.

Chemical peels are nothing to play with….

If you do have dark skin please know you can get a chemical peel but there can be unwanted side effects if not done properly.

Seek consultation from a professional.

In conclusion

Chemical peels are an effective way to help treat hyperpigmentation but you really need to know what you are getting yourself into (research and consult a professional as all situations are unique).

It’s important to find the peel that best suits your unique needs.

Chemical peels can be mild or deep depending on the type of peel and the severity of your hyperpigmentation.

To get best results you need to know a lot about your skin tone, a lot about chemical peels and the best after care treatment.

That’s going to be a lot of time spent on educating yourself and it still may not work out for the best.

Go to a professional. Your skin will thank you!

With proper care, you will have beautiful, even-looking skin that helps you feel confident and radiant!

Now go show off your gorgeous new glow!

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