What is a deep pore cleansing facial 7 tips for after face..

What is a deep pore cleansing facial

& 7 tips for after care face treatment

What is a deep pore cleansing facial

Ahhh……..facials are so relaxing! Get a nice facial massage, warm steam rolling over your face. This is exactly what you needed…. you are so relaxed. Everything is Perfect! Ahhh…

Prick, pinch,pain, pop, and pop some more.

This is your deep pore facial treatment. Better get ready. Not made for the soft sensitive type!

I’m just messing with ya…..

it can be painful but nothing you shouldn’t be able to handle.

It really depends on how many clogged pores you have, what grade of acne and your pain tolerance but the 4 P’s (prick, pinch, pain, pop) are a big part of a deep pore cleansing facial.

Look, this facial focuses on getting that stubborn acne that has deeply penetrated your skin’s surface…….out of there!

Gone…..Adios acne!

Now that we know a little about….what is a deep pore cleansing facial let’s jump into it a little more. Next up, I wil explain the steps. Let’s go!

Deep pore cleansing facial steps 

Step 1- Skin analysis

The esthetician will look over your skin closely and evaluate to see if you have any skin issues that may prevent you from getting a deep pore cleansing facial. Those skin issues are…..




4- Wounds on your face

Now, have you undergone any cosmetic surgery recently?

Yes…deep pore cleansing is a NO GO for you!

Do you have any allergies?

Yes? What are they?

If it’s an ingredient that’s involved in the deep pore cleansing….obviously it’s a no go as well.

Do you have sensitive skin?


It really should be a no go because the exfoliating and cleansing process are fairly intense.

If by chance you are not able to get the deep pore cleansing facial your esthetician will be able to guide you in another direction that is suitable for you.

Shall we move on to step 2?

Let’s roll.

Step number 2, We have…..cleansing!

Step 2- Deep pore cleansing

Before we get down to business…

all make-up is removed.

Now we can get to the fun part…..getting you skin all cleaned up!

The deep pore cleaning will get rid of environmental impurities and dirt on your skin.

Now that your skin is nice and clean (no oily skin, dirt or impurities) we can move on to step 3.

Next up we have….exfoliating!

Step 3- Exfoliating (remove dead skin cells)

Exfoliating is an important step in most facials and it’s definitely important in a deep pore cleansing facial.

Your esthetician will either use a mild exfoliant or chemical peel.

Both get rid of dead skin cells and the skin cell turnover process starts.

Exfoliation will help reduce future breakout and increase circulation You are getting closer to the fun part…..

Prick, pinch, pain, pop!

Yay….Next we have steam.

Step 4-Steam

You feel a warm sometimes hot sensation rolling over your skin.

Very relaxing…

some would say

‘soothes tense muscles in the face’.

Your skin will be saturated from the steam.

This part of the deep cleaning facial should last 5-7 minutes.

Most people say they feel a tingling sensation. No worries, this is normal.

Impurities (dirt, make-up) are drawn out from your pores (that’s exactly what we want, makes the extraction part easier!).

The warm steam also helps soften up any blackheads and whiteheads…..


And now that we are done with steam

next in line we have..

It’s what we all have been waiting for……extractions!

Fun fun fun.

Step-5 Extractions

Now your skin is ready for some action!

The steamer really does help with prepping your skin so the process is less painful.

Can you feel that?

Prick, pinch, pain pop goes the whiteheads or blackheads!

Now that wasn’t too bad was it?

Clogged pores…..be gone!

If you have acne prone skin this process might take some time..

but it’s worth it.

Get those little monsters from making a home in your skin any longer.

You just gave them an eviction notice!

And don’t ya come back no more, no more….

Now since you just went to battle and won! your reward is…….a calming mask.

Let’s go!

Step-7 Serums

Serums are the cherry on top..


Your esthetician will apply a serum (maybe Hyaluronic Acid).

This will help with your skin looking visibly plump..

aid in moisture retention while also helping it last longer and help with those pesky fine lines and wrinkles!

That’s it…

your deep pore cleansing facial is done!


Congratulations to a beautiful new you!

Until next time my friends

Haha, I didn’t forget my 7 tips for ya ……so here they are

Tip-1 Let your skin breathe

Your skin has just had an amazing cleansing experience.

Don’t mess it up by putting crap on your face and start clogging up pores again.

Don’t do it! No no no

Tip-2 No Baking your face

You are on the right track to having healthy skin.

No tanning beds, no tanning at the beach, no Sauna’s, no hot tubs.

Give your face some down time. Pamper it.

No Baking!

Tip-3 Hydration Hydration Hydration

Your skin is hydrated now…..keep it that way.

Drink plenty of water so your skin will stay hydrated.

Who knows, you might actually like the way you skin looks when you drink more water.

Hydration two thumbs up!

Tip-4 Be Gentle

No need to jump back on harsh products thinking they may help you.

Don’t do it.

Give your skin some time…...

your skin may just show you that it doesn’t need harsh products to look beautiful!

Tip-5 Laundry time

Change your bedsheets and pillow cases regularly.

It doesn’t take long for them to get dirt and oil on them.

Your face just had an amazing deep pore cleansing facial.

Don’t clog your pores right back up again!

Tip-6 Towels

Don’t use the same dirty towel over and over and over again.

Change your towels often.

You may just see an improvement in your skin.

Tip-7 Follow the esthetician’s Instructions and Advice 

Your esthetician is there to help you and guide you to beautiful looking skin.

Follow their instructions and advice.

Your skin will thank you!

Hope you enjoyed this article on…

What is a deep pore cleansing facial!

That’s all for now……Stay beautiful!

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